Volunteering at the Day Worker Center of Santa Cruz County is fun and rewarding. We have a wide range of opportunities and when you give your time to the Center, you are investing in a stronger community. Volunteering enables you to witness the difference you are making and be a conduit for positive change. To apply for a volunteer position, please complete the Volunteer Application Form.
Current Volunteer Opportunities include:
Publicity and Marketing
- Website Manager – post content including photos, news, etc.
- Writer – Write articles and or submit stories for newsletters and news media
- Graphic designer – update flyers and other program materials
- Newsletter Production – Assist with the production of a quarterly newsletter by gathering content and coordinating the production.
Class Instruction
- Skills instructor – instruct workers in the use of tools for gardening, moving, green housecleaning, carpentry, plumbing, painting, bike repairs, etc.
- English Tutor – Teach basic English language skills
- Computer Instruction – teach workers basic and intermediate computers skills, such as desktop, navigation, general internet use, and how to use job-related websites.
- Financial Skills Instructor: instruct workers in basic modern finances, budgeting, provide financial guidance and information.
- Health Education Instructor – instruct workers in basic health and nutrition.
- Employment Skills instructor – instruct and help workers with resumes and job searches.
- Translator – translate written documents from Spanish to English and vice versa. Be on-call to orally interpret for classes or presentations
- Driver-Drive workers & volunteers to community events sponsored by the Center
Community Relations
- Community Project and Events Planner – plan or help coordinate a community project or event; including but not limited to, neighborhood clean-ups, volunteer recognition events and worker gatherings.
- Facilities Manager – help manage the facility and equipment
- General helper-assist staff with daily maintenance and operational activities either on a regular basis or as available.
Information Technology
- Computer Expert – Keep computers in good repair. Instruct staff, workers and volunteers in usage.